Representatives from Disability Rights Pennsylvania, Achieva Family Trust's Benefits Counseling, and The Social Security Administration cover working and benefits rules, types of waivers, eligibility, and more.
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:38 - Frank Magni, SSA PA Public Affairs Specialist
00:05:18 - Terms Defined
00:20:38 - Income Reporting and Plan to Achieva Self-Support (PASS)
00:26:14 - Ticket to Work
00:30:17 - Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Working
00:40:05 - Medicare
00:42:36 - Earned Income Exclusion
00:46:00 - Medicaid While Working
00:52:28 - Filing an appeal
01:01:35 - Dale Verchick, Disability Rights Pennsylvania
01:02:30 - About Disability Rights Pennsylvania
01:08:17 - Disability Rights PA Programs
01:09:53 - Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security
01:16:32 - Contact Disability Rights Pennsylvania
01:18:15 - Nancy McMillan, Achieva Family Trust Benefits Counseling
01:20:10 - Typical Medical Assistance Categories
01:40:39 - Waiver Services
01:58:29 - Social Security Disability Benefits
02:05:15 - How are benefits affected when someone that is receiving both SSI and Disability reaches retirement age?
02:07:06 - Does Social Security calculate on a calendar or pay period basis?
02:08:40 - How do you submit an Impairment-Related Work Expense (IRWE) if you work after SSI has started?