00:00 : Intro.
00:28 : What I like about the unit.
01:13 : The Vintage Drive, not so vintage imho.
02:04 : Vintage Drive on a vocal, feels better to me.
02:57 : Input doesn't impact the audio transformers. Why? :(
03:26 : The hidden LMC Comp, urgh?
04:50 : LMC + Vintage Drive, better but still doesn't cut it imho.
06:24 : Pushing the SSL Fusion to the extreme? Is it interesting? Not really.
08:24 : Adding the transformer doesn't adds much in that context.
08:52 : The Stereo Image vs plugin (BasslanePro by Tone Projects).
10:08 : The Violet EQ, okay I like this one!
13:07 : What about weird settings? Stereo Image on a mono bass track??
14:44 : Saturation+LMC+Transformer = Artificial transient added!
15:38 : Conclusion
Any more time to waste to the Gauds of social media? Follow me not on Instagram where I am much more active at sharing interesting audio stuff : https://www.instagram.com/wheeliemix/
Here is a 100% honest review/opinion about the Solid State Logic Fusion outboard studio gear. It is just my OWN OPINION (don't kill me) coming from my own taste and experience mixing in a hybrid setup and sometimes 90% analog (on an SSL 4000G+).
Key words for Youtube referencing (do not read, it's not interesting) :
SSL Fusion, outboard gear, plugins, mixing engineer, mixing, music production, music producer, mixing tips, music production tips, analog gear, analog vs digital.
Au revoir!