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अख़ना डहरे, न्यू कुडूंख़ विडियो शार्ट फिल्म,२०२०, ST LAKRA FILM

ST LAKRA FILM 766,303 5 years ago
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TO WHOM IT CONCERN Dear Sir I Hosne Oraon Productions of Film,,, AKHNA DAHARE,,,Resident of add.Kamati Pipra Toli,p.o- Tala,P.s- Chanho, Dist- Ranchi,(Jharkhand)pin 835214 producer and director Hosne Oraon, production there by declare that I have not copy rights any ather content ID in our Kurukh Short Film,,,AKHNA DAHARE,, Hosne Oraon your faithfully DISCRIPTION This film is based on education It noughty child in the film Ignores studies writing, The Child don't do study even his parents beat him . the work of butterfly, bird and deep mark of Rope on the wood,then the child comes to his class. MY SELF Producer & Director,story. Hosne Oraon, contact.8340733187 Camera,, Shoshan Oraon, Editing and back ground music, Hosne Oraon Sports boy,, Govind Oraon Satish Oraon Jauru Oraon Artist. Shining Star.Ayush Oraon Mahesh Toppo Lakshman Oraon Asha Tigga, Jauru Oraon Satish Oraon Sumit Oraon Dubing.... Ghansheyam Oraon
