The demolition of the Dublin flat complex, St. Teresas Gardens, commenced on February 25th, 2015, sixty years after the estate was established. A few years before he died, community activist / social care worker, Paul Humphrey (1958-2009), who grew up, and lived and worked in St. Teresas Gardens, assembled a folder of black and white photographs that were taken by young people and others he worked with, in and around the flat complex, during 1984-5. To coincide with the demolition, the photographs are uploaded here to the music of Tchaichovsky's 'Symphony No. 6' (The Pathétique), and 'John O'Dreams', sung by Niamh Parsons. John O'Dreams - a metaphor for sleep, permanent sleep, and used here that troubles that beset St. Teresas Gardens and its people in previous decades will pass, and its good times will be fondly remembered.