WATCH TODAY as Asher shares the excitement of being in the new ministry center and prayer room for their first meeting, in one of the highest buildings in downtown Jerusalem. This is a new day, with a symbolic stake in the ground (Isaiah 22). There is a tangible awareness of heavenly Jerusalem hovering above the earthly one, waiting to be reunited for all eternity (Revelation 21).
This spiritual reality can be experienced anywhere in the world. But there is something special about being in the physical location, that makes the prophetic promises seem to come alive.
This has been an extremely difficult year and a half in Israel. The physical war—the losses, the trauma—have taken a heavy toll on the Jewish people. There has been a parallel spiritual battle across the international Body of Messiah, that has taken a similar toll.
However, Asher notes that Israel is awakening to a new spiritual hunger. The people are turning in massive numbers to read the Psalms and listen to music about the love of God. And, regardless of the painful battles in the global ekklesia, God is bringing breakthroughs for Yeshua's kingdom across the globe.
Yeshua is alive and seated at the right hand of the Father (Psalm 110, Ephesians 1). That is reality. We are to align ourselves with Him and pray from the perspective of the ascension. This is a new day for praise, prayer, and prophecy to go forth: from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth and back again.