Fun & Interesting


Rival Natty 3,631 3 days ago
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In Frantic Fusions, we can fuse Pokemon to gain some of their stats and Abilities! Today I fuse Blissey and Archaludon to give Blissey the Stamina Ability, which boosts its awful Defence when it takes damage. We pair this with Calm Mind to boost Special Attack and Special Defence as well as Stored Power, and we create what is practically and unstoppable force! #pokemon #competitivepokemon #pokemonshowdown #pokemonscarlet #pokemonviolet #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonemerald #pokemoncommunity #pokemonday #pokemonlegendsza #ashketchum #pikachu #blissey Music: - Pokestir - Zame Discord Server: rival natty , rival natty pokemon , pokemon sweep , pokemon showdown sweep , salty pokemon Showdown player , legendary spammer , frantic fusions pokemon showdown , frantic fusions OM , blissey frantic fusions , how to use blissey , blissey sweep , stamina pokemon ability , stamina blissey , blissey archaludon frantic fusions , stored power blissey , stored power sweeper , pikachu sweep , how to use pikachu , light ball pikachu , tera normal pikachu , extreme speed pikachu , best frantic fusions sets , misty pokemon , misty , misty and psyduck , psyduck pokemon , how to use psyduck , psyduck sweep , psyduck funny moments , best set up sweeper , best wall breaker pokemon , best wall breaker gen 9 , mold breaker pokemon , mold breaker haxorus , haxorus sweep , dragon dance haxorus , haxorus pokemon , tera electric haxorus , wall breaker haxorus , dondozo counters , how to counter dondozo , unburden sceptile , how to use sceptile , swords dance sceptile , tera flying sceptile , tera flying acrobatics sceptile , sceptile sweep , sceptile , high ladder pokemon showdown , high ladder ou , ou pokemon showdown , gen 9 national dex , national dex pokemon showdown , high ladder national dex , pokemon Showdown player cries salty tears , Pokemon showdown salt, temp 6t , pokemon scarlet , pokemon violet , pokemon showdown scarlet and violet , pokemon scarlet and violet , pokemon scarlet violet , pokemon showdown , salty legendary spammer , temp6t , legendary spammer , salty pokemon showdown , super toxic legendary spammer , salty pokemon battles , pokemon salty , TOXIC LEGENDARY SPAMMERS CRY SALTY TEARS , FUNNY POKEMON SHOWDOWN SALT , pokemon salty players , pokemon salt , toxic noob pokemon , toxic noob pokemon showdown , toxic pokemon showdown , the most TOXIC SALTY NOOB on pokemon showdown EVER , salty noob pokemon showdown , funny pokemon showdown , salty pokemon showdown , toxic pokemon showdown , pokemon showdown , pokemon showdown rage , pokemon showdown salt , pokemon showdown sweep , toxic pokemon showdown player , cocky pokemon showdown player , salty pokemon showdown player , pokemon showdown sweeps , pokemon showdown salt compilation , salty pokemon sweeps , pokemon showdown tournament , pimpnite , smallant , freezai , blunder , wolfeyVGC , dracomenace , weedletwineedle , pokemon scarlet violet , pokemon scarlet and violet , nemona , geeta , pokemon theme team , gen 9 pokemon , pokemon scarlet and violet showdown live , how to team build pokemon , glimmora , gholdengo, skeledirge , unaware skeledirge , how to use skeledirge , quaquaval , how to use quaquaval , aqua step quaquaval , meowscarada , how to use meowscarada , flower trick meowscarada , dondozo , clodsire, gen 9 pokemon showdown , ou teams pokemon , ou teams pokemon scarlet violet , pokemon scarlet violet sweeps , ou pokemon showdown , roaring moon , iron bundle , palafin , zero to hero , good as gold pokemon , cyclizar , chi-yu , paradox pokemon , chien-pao , make it rain pokemon , annihilape , rage fist pokemon , slither wing , flutter mane , competitive pokemon guide , tinkaton , grimmsnarl , stall player clapped , commander pokemon , pokemon competitive play , last respects pokemon , houndstone , hisuian zoroark , basculeigon , hisuian pokemon scarlet violet , farigiraf , veluza , sharpness pokemon , pokemkn vgc , fillet away pokemon , quaquaval sweep , gen 9 rain team , gen 9 scarlet violet smogon , gen 9 sun team , gen 9 snow team , gen 9 sand team , tera water frosmoth , tera steel hariyama , DLC The Teal Mask , The Indigo Disc , bitter malice hisui zoroark , dudunsparce , kingdra , charizard , meowscarada , diance , dragapult , LOKIX , magearna , skeledirge , heavy slam , rock blast , gallade sharpness , tera dark , draco meteor , chloroblast electrode , noivern , primordial sea wave crash floatzel , z-splash
