This is the same mission as yesterday's upload but featuring the custom backdrops and wave files with voice acting I forgot to install yesterday. The backdrops are incredible and add a lot to the scenery, incredibly well done Jagged.
Mission Creator: MAJ Jagged Fell III
Mission Name: TFTC-F 3: To B Free
Difficulty Setting: Hard
Mission Craft: Tie Defender GN Boliv
Wingmen: 1
Warhead Armament: Advanced Proton Torpedo x6 (Advanced Concussion Missile also available)
Countermeasures: N/A (Locked)
Beam System:: Tractor (Jamming also available)
Reinforcements: N/A
Unlimited Ammo: Yes
High Score: Yes & locked
Objectives to Accomplish
Go get a drink at Durvos
Destroy the INT Snare
Destroy the CRV Bakura
Make up your mind what to do next (Hyper to Rebel Base or go get a drink)
Well, go get your drink when you are done
Conditions to prevent
EH starfighters: from being destroyed
Bonus Goals
Bonus: 1000 Rebel Starfighters: 100% destroyed
Bonus: 1000 Strike Cruiser Thyferra: destroyed
Bonus: 1000 Mon Calamari Light Cruiser Endor: destroyed
Bonus: 1000 Corvette Bespin: destroyed
Bonus: 1000 Asteroid Shipyard Covert Base: destroyed
0:30 Crew Quarters & Messages
1:50 Commander Briefing
2:44 Mission Briefing
4:04 Craft Loadout
4:30 Mission Playthrough
19:49 Mission Debriefing
21:47 Player Statistics