In this video, we build a Dove Tail Notch Log Cabin. We start from the walls and finish with tiling the roof. We have 14 years of experience, and we built a log of different log houses/wooden houses for our trusted clients, check them out on our website 📫 Our best email: [email protected] Subscribe to our channel and not miss the future episodes: FULL HOUSE BUILDS☟ ➯2 Craftsmen Build a Wooden House in 20 min...Start to Finish ➝ If you are interested in who donated the wood, who put in their time and money for this house, we dive into the details of this story in this video: #LogCabin #NaturalLogHouse #Craftsmen Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:44 - Unloading the logs 1:35 - Unloading the crane 2:50 - Setting up the crane 3:32 - Building the first row 6:40 - Building the 1st-floor walls 13:25 - Placing the ceiling logs 14:35 - Building the 2nd-floor walls 16:20 - Building the side roof logs 19:40 - Building the ridge log 23:00 - Placing the ridge log 23:46 - Cutting the rafters 24:17 - Setting up the rafters 25:21 - Construction of the roof 34:45 - Tiling the roof 41:48 - Finish look Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Aleš and my mission is to build people home, not just a house. I have been associated with wood and forests since I was a child. I promised myself that if I ever built a house, it would be wooden. My wife and I founded the company Natural log house with the help of my two assistants Andrija and Tilen. The vision of our company is to build a home for people, in which uniqueness and nature come together. A home that is built according to their wishes and desires, down to every detail. A home that is bright, warm, and inviting. A home where they will always feel like one with nature. On our channel, you can expect content that shows the construction of wooden houses from beginning to end, step by step, under the hard-working Slovenian hands. Thank You for watching, subscribing and liking the video! Interested in our most recent work? We have a Instagram and facebook page. Instagram: Facebook: V slovenščini: Hej, ti, pozdravljen. Dobrodošel na kanalu Natural log house. Dovoli mi, naj se ti predstavim. Moje ime je Aleš in moje poslanstvo je ljudem zgraditi dom, ne le hiše. Že od malega sem povezan z lesom in gozdovi. Že v mladosti sem si obljubil, da če bom kdaj postavljal hišo, bo ta lesena. Z ženo sva tako ustanovila podjetje Natural log house, del katerega sta tudi pomočnika Andrija in Tilen. Vizija našega podjetja je ljudem zgraditi dom, v katerem se združita unikatnost in narava. Dom, ki je narejen le za njih, po njihovih željah. Dom, ki je svetel, topel in vabeč. Dom, v katerem se bodo ves čas počutili kot eno z naravo. Na našem kanalu tako lahko pričakuješ vsebine, ki prikazujejo gradnjo lesenih hiš od začetka do konca, korak za korakom, izpod okrilja pridnih, delovnih slovenskih rok. Uživaj ob ogledu!