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This video “Statistics: Basics” is part of the Lecturio course “Epidemiology & Biostatistics” ► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/biostatisticsbasics
- Epidemiology and Statistics
- Types of Variables
- Dichotomous Variables
- Null Hypothesis
- p-Value
- Confidence Intervals
- Learning outcome
Dr. Raywat Deonandan is an Assistant Professor of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa, an epidemiologist, a global health researcher, and best-selling novelist. His research interests include the epidemiological trends in global burdens of disease, the social and moral dimensions of risk perception, and other global health related topics. Furthermore, Dr. Deonandan is an award-winning journalist with features in the Toronto Star, the Huffington Post and other publications. Presently, he sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and is the founder and Executive Editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Health Sciences.
Dr. Deonandan is keenly interested in spreading knowledge about epidemiology globally, be it through social media or via innovative teaching methods.
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Basics of Research Methodology: Data Analysis and Data Interpretation & Evaluation of Results
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