Fun & Interesting

Steam Canning Tomatoes | Victorio Multi-Use Canner

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I'm so excited to share this video! Many of you have asked about steam canning and was to happy to realize my new Victorio Canner that I purchased is also a steam canner! Today we're using it for canning up some precious tomatoes. Let me know what you think of steam canning in the comments. This video is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to know correct canning procedures and how to use your canner. Please know there are different ways of canning tomatoes that include different procedures and times. Today's video is for canning whole or halved raw packed tomatoes in water at below 1,000 ft. altitude. ~ 22 lbs. tomatoes for quarts / ~14 lbs. for pints 1/2 t. citric acid per quart jar or 2 T. lemon juice per quart jar 1/4 t. citric acid per pint jar or 1 T. lemon juice per pint jar 1 t. canning salt per quart or 1/2 t. per pint (optional) See video for preparing tomatoes. Pack to 1/2" headspace, add hot water, debubble, check headspace adding more water if necessary, wipe rims, add lid and ring to finger tip tight. Process in steam canner or boiling water bath canner for 45 minutes for quarts and 40 minutes for pints adjusting for altitude. Altitude Adjustments for this recipe: Please note times longer that 45 minutes CANNOT be steam canned so you must follow instructions for water bath canning. 0-1,000 ft 40 min./pints 45 min./qts. 1,001-3,000 45 min./pints 50 min./qts. 3,001-6,000 50 min./pints 55 min./qts. above 6,000 55 min./pints 60 min./qts. How to can tomatoes: How to steam can: Victorio VKP 1130 Recommended products I use: As an Amazon affiliate, if you purchase I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Victorio Multi Use Canner: All American 915 Pressure Canner: Ball Blue Book: All New Ball Book: The Canning Kitchen: Ball Quart Jars: Ball Pint Jars: Ball Jelly Jars: Canning Utensil Set: JarBox Protector: Enjoy! xo~Carol
