鮮魷 1 隻, 300 克
粉絲 50 克
蒜頭 1整個
辣椒 2隻
薑 1 片
蔥 1 棵
澱粉 1 茶匙
糖 1/4 茶匙
鹽 1/8 茶匙
蠔油、胡椒粉 適量
熱油、蒸魚豉油 適量
1️⃣ 把粉絲冷水浸軟♦¹ ,撈出瀝乾水分備用。
2️⃣ 把鮮魷洗淨,去內臟和皮,吸乾水,切花備用。
3️⃣ 蒜蓉爆香一半,加入另一半生蒜蓉中做成金銀蒜備用。
4️⃣ 把鮮魷♦²放入有金銀蒜的碗中,加入適量胡椒粉、1/8 茶匙鹽、少許蠔油、1/4 茶匙糖和 1 茶匙澱粉,拌勻。
5️⃣ 冷水下鍋把碟子放進蒸鍋中,預熱碟子至水滾,把粉絲放入碟中,鮮魷均勻鋪在粉絲上,大火蒸 3-5分鐘,至魷魚卷曲即熟透。灒入熱油及少許蒸魚豉油♦³。
♦¹ 粉絲要用冷水浸泡,浸泡時間不要太長,軟身即可,浸泡過長或用熱水浸泡會令本菜口感會變差。
♦² 魷魚不需要醃,調好味道即可蒸。
♦³ 鹽和豉油宜少不宜多,因為粉絲很吸味,容易過鹹。
Fresh squid - 1 whole, 300g
Vermicelli - 50g
Garlic - 1 whole bulb
Chili pepper - 2 pieces
Ginger - 1 slice
Spring onion - 1 stalk
Cornstarch - 1 teaspoon
Sugar - 1/4 teaspoon
Salt - 1/8 teaspoon
Oyster sauce, white pepper powder - to taste
Hot oil, seafood soy sauce - as needed
🟢Cooking Directions:
1️⃣ Soak the vermicelli♦¹ in cold water until soft, then drain and set aside.
2️⃣ Clean the squid, remove the innards and skin, pat dry, and cut into pieces.
3️⃣ Saute half of the minced garlic until fragrant, and mix with the other raw half to create a "gold and silver garlic".
4️⃣ Place the squid♦² in a bowl with the "gold and silver garlic", add bit white pepper powder, 1/8 tsp salt, a little oyster sauce, 1/4 tsp sugar, and 1 tsp cornstarch. Mix well.
5️⃣ Place a plate in a steaming pot, preheat the plate until water has bring to boil, then arrange the vermicelli on the plate and evenly arrange the squid on top of vermicelli. Steam on high heat for 3-5 minutes until the squid curls and is cooked through. Sprinkle with hot oil and a little bit seafood soy sauce♦³.
📌Cooking tips:
♦¹ The vermicelli should be soaked in cold water until they become soft, but be cautious not to soak them for too long. Extended soaking or using hot water can affect the mouthfeel of this dish.
♦² No need to marinate the squid. Simply mix it with the seasoning and steam.
♦³ Use a small amount of salt and soy sauce, as the vermicelli absorbs flavor easily and can become too salty.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUHbpirAPSaE8YsP82Bcmw ❤️請訂閱本台第二頻道 《好易生活頻道 oe living》
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