Hey everyone! I TRULY apologized for this very long, long delay of this latest comic drama! Things have been completely very busy for me since I started my new job last year, and everything that's happening around me...So nuff said XD
Anyways I'd like to present to you all my long last project of a comic drama, Sonic the Hedgehog #174 "Union"! ^^
Voice Cast:
SkeletonKing1234 - as Uncle Chuck & King Maximilian Acorn
donniegirl12 - as Tails & Queen Alicia Acorn
TheMajinV - as Espio
Tyler Sampsonis - as Vector, Amadeus Prower, & Eggman
JordantheCat11 - as Rosie & Charmy
Sakuraquaify/Ashie-kins - as Sally Acorn
TheDraco421/Demon Alchemist/Traveling Arrow - as Jules
WolfBlade93 - as Knuckles
Bossgamerdelta103 - as Elias Acorn (as the understudy voice actor)
HappyAsianVA - (originally casted) as Elias Acorn
Mr. Pasquale - as Sonic the Hedgehog
Rarityfangirl31VA - as Rosmary Prower
Sprx77 - as Antoine D'Coolette
Shadow4one - as The narrator, Bunnie, Amy, Julie-su, and Bernie