Consider this lecture to be an overview of stoicism in Hindi, how it came into existence & what tools exist that can assist you to become a better version of yourself. ------------------- ➡️ WhatsApp Announcement Channel: -------------------------- Notes Link: **The store is still under construction but you can still purchase ebooks & notes --------------------------- 📷 Instagram: -------------------------- 📽️Other YouTube Channel- ------------------------ 📕Buy these books: ----------------------------- Stoicism: The only lecture you need! ---------------------------- 0:00 - Aim of the lecture 1:50 - Anecdote 5:37 - Disclaimer & lecture overview 9:04 - Part-I (introduction) 19:27 - Zeno of Citium (334 BCE - 262/261 BCE) 25:26 - Epictetus (55 AD - 135 AD) 38:17 - Seneca (4 BCE - 65 AD) 54:46 - Marcus Aurelius (121 AD - 180 AD) 1:08:21 - Rise of stoic thought 1:13:17 - Historical anecdotes 1:16:52 - Part-II (core principles of stoicism) 1:32:36 - Part-III (stoic practices & exercises) 1:35:42 - Part-IV (application in real world scenarios) 1:37:40 - Part-V (criticisms & misconceptions) 1:43:59 - Ending notes ------------------------- #stoicism #philosophy