You're making a big web design mistake if you're wrapping entire cards and content groups in link wrappers.
It's not proper HTML, it's not great for SEO, and it's terrible for accessibility.
This dedicated video teaches the "clickable parent" and "focus parent" techniques for properly linking clickable content groups like cards so you can maintain good anchor linking techniques, clean SEO, and proper accessibility while still achieving cards that are fully clickable and focusable.
*** MY TOOLS ***
🔥 AutomaticCSS (ACSS) -
🔥 Frames -
See all my recommended tools here:
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*** CHAPTERS ***
0:00 The Mistake and its Implications
07:28 A Better Approach
16:30 Clickable Parent From Scratch
19:55 Focus Parent From Scratch
24:40 When to NOT Use Clickable Parent