This appears to have stopped cold startup rattle! I share the Valvoline Restore and Protect oil 2000 miles update. While there are mechanical causes of cold start rattles, if yours is due to other causes like sludge, you may be able to stop cold start rattle after Valvoline Restore & Protect use. As this seems to have stopped the cold start rattle on this car. Valvoline restore & protect cleans engines and I have proven this by showing it did clear blow by on this same car within 500 miles. It is also on track to reduce oil consumption on this car. If you're looking to free stuck oil control rings, clean engine deposits, or you're just asking what's the best engine oil? You may want to give this oil a shot.
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0:00 - Intro
0:37 - Recap of switch
1:10 - 2000 mile oil consumption check
1:26 - Cold startup rattle
2:04 - Before vs After compared
2:50 - Under the valve cover
3:35 - Sludge with full synthetic
4:09 - More to come
#valvoline #restoreandprotect #coldstart #rattle #engine #buildup #diyautoworksng