Fun & Interesting

Story from Buck Brannaman // Tom Dorrance More than a Horseman

Susan Harden I Live and Breathe Horses 7,471 lượt xem 1 year ago
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It is a pleasure to read these wonderful stories about The Greatest Horseman who ever lived, Tom Dorrance, from the beautiful book More than a Horseman full of pictures and tales collected by Margaret Dorrance and John Saint Ryan.

Todays story is from Buck Brannaman. "It became clear to me that Tom's attention to the smallest details was on of the keys to his genius. Tom was my friend and I loved him".

I hope you will enjoy listening, I am deeply grateful to be able to share.

Y o u m i g h t a l s o l i k e
· Tom Dorrance. More than a Horseman | The Greatest Horseman of All
· Introducing Buck | Buck Brannaman part 1

F i n d u s o n o t h e r p l a t f o r m s
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· Join our group Giving Horses a Voice
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Postproduction by Alba Harden:

T h a n k y o u
Whoever you are, thank you for taking the time to watch our videos, we are very grateful for your support.

A b o u t S u s a n H a r d e n
Hi, I’m Susan Harden and my mission here is to support you in creating a mutually respectful, loving and rewarding relationship with your horses and guide folks home to their hearts though connecting with horses and nature. My connection with horses spans 5 decades and includes pony club, showjumping, 3-day eventing, classical equitation, dressage, equine-assisted therapy, “natural horsemanship" and more important than any label, deep love and respect for the horse which is what motivates me to do what I do.

Live and breathe horses was established in 1995 and has grown and transformed over the years parallel to my equestrian/life journey.
Keep reading about me and my horses at

W h e r e w e a r e
Live and Breathe Horses is currently located in Angus, Scotland. We have recently moved here from Spain, see how our journey went:
· How I moved from SPAIN to SCOTLAND with 3 Horses
· Travelling with 3 HORSES from SPAIN to SCOTLAND | road trip vlog

G e t i n t o u c h
We would love to hear from you so please get in touch
Phone call & WhatsApp 0044 (0)747 3636555
Email –

S o m e b o o k s I r e c o m m e n d
· True Unity, willing communication between horse & human - Tom Dorrance
· True Horsemanship through Feel - Bill Dorrance with Leslie Desmond
· Think Harmony with Horses - Ray Hunt
· Groundwork - Buck Brannaman
· Believe - Buck Brannaman
· Reflections on Equestrian Art - Nuno Oliveira
· Classical principles of the Art of Training Horses (volume 1 & 2) - Nuno Oliveira
· 30 years with Master Nuno Oliveira - Michel Henriquet
· Centered Riding 1& 2 Sally Swift

Keep tuning in to the light!

⊹ tags: Story from Buck Brannaman // Tom Dorrance More than a Horseman, horsemanship, horse, natural horsemanship, classical equitation, equitation, meditation, meditation with horses, wisdom, horse training, horse riding, equestrian, equine, problem horses, dressage, groundwork, horseback riding, buck brannaman, tom dorrance, nuno oliveira, Warwick schiller, wild horse, horse lovers, mark langley, spanish horses ⊹

#tomdorrance #wisdom #horses #wisdomquotes #wisdomstories #cowboy #cowboys #buckbrannaman #rayhunt #liveandbreathehorses #susanharden #horselover #horsevlog #spanishhorses
