My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry,
because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."
James 1:19-20
I've always been an advocate for confrontation albeit as a youngin' I didn't always handle things the right way and while my intention was to "stick up for the underdog", I have had moment where it has blown up in my face. I now work towards being slow to anger and allowing people to advocate for themselves rather than getting involved. I used to jump at any inclination of someone I cared about being treated unfairly or being overlooked and while my heart was always in the right place, sometimes I was getting myself involved in situations that weren't my business ultimately. In a perfect world "standing up for someone" is the right thing to do but as I've learned with time that may not always be the right way to handle things especially on the off chance that the person you're standing up for decided that it wasn't that big of a deal in the first place. I have decided to reserve my boldness for my Husband and my kids as I've gotten older and wiser and that has definitely raised some eyebrows as of recently but you know what? I'm nobody's soldier and adults can handle themselves. If you're confrontational, be wise with your boldness. If you're not confrontational but you have people in your life that would hunt someone down for wise with involving them in conflict. I'm continuing to learn the areas of growth that are needed in my own life to protect my peace and this is one experience that stuck with me as a lesson. There is a such thing as peaceful confrontation without the intention of a fight but and however, I've retired my services to allow my friends the space to learn the skill on their own. Speaking up for yourself comes with time and I never want you guys to harbor resentment towards each other. If it's bad enough to talk to other people about it then it should be important enough for the matter to be handled amicably between you and the other person to allow them the opportunity to make it right. I hope you guys enjoy this video! I love you so much but the Lord loves you infinitely more. This is the message he put on my heart to share with all of you. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger my loves. Being angry all the time causes wrinkles lol! Love, Nikki