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STORYTIME – My Mental Health Issues During Corona

Susi Cruz 121,400 5 years ago
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This is my goodbye and I hope you find what you are looking for out there. Find that kind of happiness that exists on your own terms. I hope you truly take the time to figure out what moves you and encourages your soul. And I hope you have the courage to chase that even if no one believes in you. I hope you never let convenience, or comfort, or the easiness of standing still put it out. So you can show the world what you can do with all of that passion inside of you. For now we will going to ignore each other and pretend the other person never existed. I hope you know I don't hate you- I understand you but I will never run after anything or anyone who doesn't want to be in my life. Within all, I find the pieces of my worth and I start creating myself over again. In this journey of transformation I find essence of what truly matters, inner happiness. I learned everything is temporary– moments, feelings, people. I learned love is about giving and letting it hurt. Vulnerability is always the right choice because it is so easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. But I will never let this softness forget who I am and what I am, because my spine is made of steel and my heart is made of gold. I know, I came into your life and changed everything. I raised your standards, I gave you the ability to believe. To see yourself chasing your most desired dreams and now after your horizon is widen there is no going back. Eventually one day we can be friends and we can laugh about it all but till then fare you well. Tobis channel:
