Susanne Seymoure died at the young age of 12 in a freak skiing accident. Her account of meeting Jesus and "counsels" of angels is as riveting as it is encouraging. She was met with a rather severe being whom she later learned to be Melchizedek, the archangel from the Book of Genesis, who was referenced while he was blessing Abraham. This angel is also referenced in the Psalms and the book of Hebrews. At 12 years of age Susanne could not possibly have known of this archangel, but she did receive an important message from him. But more important was what Jesus said to little Susanne, and His decision changed the course of Susanne's life thereafter. Watch all the way through this inspiring message to get to Susanne's (a retired nurse) and Randy Kay's discussion about Heaven, and how God imprinted the childlike faith of a 12 year old girl to convince each of us of the importance of becoming more childlike.
#Died_and_met_God, #Death, #Afterlife, #Jesus, #viral_video
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