Welcome to my Channel Cambodia Construction TV Please like and subscribe to get the latest videos! Thanks for the support The purpose of posting this video. Title : STrat FirSt New PROJECT LandFiLLing !! BULLDOZER D20p pUsh Stone ,Truck 5-Ton Spreading to Flooded ********************************** Website: www.cambodiacontructiontv.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CambodiaConstructionTV PURPOSE FOR UPLOAD THIS VIDEOS 1-Sharing knowledge about construction machinery for development. 2-Sharing Knowledge about heavy equipment technology and how to use heavy machinery such as Dump trucks, Excavators, bulldozers, Rollers, Motor Grader, Wheel Loader, Generator, Tractors, Crane trucks, Mixer trucks, Concrete pump trucks, Rotary drilling machines, and more...about machinery 3-Sharing Knowledge about safety using heavy equipment. ********************************** NOTED: Do not download videos from the channel without my permission #bulldozercambodia #Cleanup #grass #CambodiaConstructionTV #Bulldozer #help #Nice #Incredible