I'm Fred Johnsen for the Airailimages Channel. If you've ever ridden with me on a road trip to a destination, you know it's the en route stops that really make the ride interesting. In the wonderful heartland of America, the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum in Ashland, Nebraska, is a pause that reveals treasures in aviation.
We stopped there on the way to Oshkosh in July 2024.
A major interior upgrade of the aircraft collection originally displayed outdoors at Offutt Air Force Base, the museum moved to new quarters in Ashland, between Omaha and Lincoln, in 1998. The vast majority of the collection is sheltered inside a huge building complex that can accommodate aircraft as big as the B-36 and B-52. Ongoing restoration of the aircraft continues in this protected space.
So glad we stopped in to see the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum.
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