In this month's episode, I teach you various layers of strategy and how to use strategy tools.
What I’d like to do in about 45 minutes to an hour is to give you a sense of what strategy is, what tools we use to develop strategy, and then teach you how to apply these corporate level tools to our day to day lives through developing strategic thinking abilities.
So if you take this mini-course, by the end of it, you’ll very clearly learn what strategy is and its various levels such corporate strategy, business strategy, and functional strategies.
You will no longer confuse it with tasks or goals, then you will learn about Strategy Canvas with value curves. It’s a tool that will help you see the bigger picture, help you with the positioning of your offerings and hence develop strategies to become… unique. And while I am teaching you these, I’ll run so many case studies to make it crystal clear for you.
Then finally, the second half of the video will be the most useful part to you. Because in reality, you are probably not the strategy manager or the CEO of a large multinational company, you are probably not Coca Cola’s Chairman, so what I did at the 2nd half of the video is to customize strategy development so it can be applicable to your day to day lives. You will learn how to develop a strategic thinking that will apply to your work, apply to your family life, your school, in simple terms; your life. You’ll be a smarter person, because you’ll be more strategic in your thinking, you’ll have more success because you’ll be able to identify more opportunities, you’ll fail less because you’ll be able to identify risks even before they become apparent. And I’ll try my best to do the impossible and cover everything under 1 hour and make it super easy to understand. I’ll try but let’s see if I’ll succeed.
So, what is strategy;
Strategy is a word that gets used a lot and often in a wrong context. Most people confuse it with goals. Essentially, strategy is a roadmap to how we are going to win.
Where you are is your “as-is” state, and where you want to go is your “to-be” state. How you are going to bridge that gap is your strategy.
So, if I was to teach strategy to my children I’d say, you wanna reach the finish line first. You may walk straight to the finish line at 5 kms per hour,
Or you may extend your route, take more time as you have to travel more distance, but collect the speed boost on the way so you go faster at the end at around 20 km per hour. Collecting that speed boost to win would be your strategy.
now let’s get back to the adult world, in business, we have 3 major layers of strategy;
We have Corporate Strategy
We have Business Strategy
And we have Functional strategy
So, let’s start with corporate strategy;