Super easy rescue, but Megatron needed to be off the streets because the people in the homeless encampment could not care for him. A warm bath transformed him into a super happy dog! 🤖👍 Thank you for donating to Hope For Paws and helping us save lives. Megatron was lucky and we got to him before he got sick or was hit by a car, but that's not always the case. If you can, please join us with a small donation here: If you would like to foster a Hope For Paws dog, please fill out a foster application here: Many animals end up on the streets or in shelters because their owners didn't make plans for them in case they were hospitalized or even died. Having a plan for your pets is important! This legal piece of paper will ensure the safety of your pets. I know many people are worried about the cost of hiring a lawyer and others just don't like thinking about their own mortality, so to help you, we partnered with FreeWill who will help you create your own legally valid Will / Living Trust for FREE! The whole process takes just 15-20 minutes, so you can just do it, print, sign (some states require a notary public), notify family members where it is, and then you can sleep well at night knowing your pets would be safe in case of a disaster. Here is the link for you: In the past few months I have spoken to a few people who shared with me they don't have any family members or friends who would be willing to take their pets if anything happens to them. If you have the same issue, please reach out to us and I'll figure out a plan for you. Our amazing friends at L.A. Animal Rescue are fostering Megatron, so if you would like to adopt him, please visit: Thank you so much! Eldad