WELCOME TO THE START OF THE STREAMATHON! Every $5 on EITHER platform adds 1 minute to our streamathon timer. We will continue streaming LONGER streams until the timer hits zero. The timer will ONLY count down while we are actively streaming. Our stream will NOT be on overnight burning the clock like our subathon, unless a special event is unlocked. DO NOT GIFT/DONO WHEN TIMER IS PAUSED.
Every 20 hours hit will unlock a 2 hour block where I play games WITH members/Twitch Subscribers.
Every 100 hours hit will UNLOCK ONE sleepover, where I will sleep on stream with JUMPSCARE alerts on.
Every 500 hours unlocks a full day cosplay designed by you guys.
IF we hit 1,000 hours, the time added will be reduced by 15 seconds per $5 contribution.
IF we hit 5,000 hours, I will shave my beard.
The schedule for the streamathon is flexible due to recording and sponsor needs. HOWEVER, the hope is to stream actively over 50 hours a week. The plan is to stream 5 hours of our main game for the day before playing other things. Here's a list of games that we COULD see in some way during the streamathon.
Pokemon Ultra Moon Shadylocke
Pokemon Fan Games, Like Inclement Emerlad, Emerald Impreium, and beyond.
Monster Hunter WILDS
League of Legends
Baldur's Gate 3
Mario Party
Pokemon Pocket ???
Suggest Other Games If We Go LONG LONG.
Feel free to ask any questions after reading this! :]
A Shadylocke has all the original nuzlocke rules PLUS, you cannot heal at Pokemon centers without spending a shady token. You get a shady token alongside every Z Crystal. We start...with 0 tokens.
Want to donate? Kinda pog of you. https://streamlabs.com/shadypenguinn2/tip
#pokemon #live