Opponent teams
Battle 1 = Ryu, Ken, Guile, Chun-Li, Sakura
Battle 2 = Blanka, Dhalsim, Zangief, Area, Doctrine Dark (losses against Zangief & Area)
Battle 3 = Pullum Purna, Darun Mister, Skullomania, Jack, Vulcano Rosso
Battle 4 = Sharon, Shadowgeist, Nanase, Hokuto, Kairi (losses against Shadowgeist, Hokuto & Kairi)
Battle 5 = Garuda, Vega/Claw, Sagat, Bison
Final Battle = vs. Bison II
Finally, today's the day in the US for Fighting EX Layer to drop on US Playstation Network, and with that, I hit my final stop when it comes to this little personal look back at Arika's previous Street Fighter EX series on Playstation consoles. Back at EX3 once again, and similar to what I did with Street Fighter EX2 Plus, I use Nanase in order to go against a majority of EX3's cast + the Hard mode final boss Bison II in a separate battle at the end. The only fighters I don't tackle are Evil Ryu (totally forgot how to unlock him anyways) and Shin Bison (whom I totally forgot how to fight against).
Hope you enjoyed watching these videos as the next planned videos will be based on Arika's comeback fighting game on Playstation 4... and, of course, Nanase.... or rather, Sanane, will be at my helm throughout most of the way, win or lose.