To some Street Fighter II was just a game, one of a series of prequels that led to Street Fighter III, IV, V and VI but to gamers of my generation or anyone who was a teenager in the early 1990s it was much more than a game, it was a birth pang to new video game revolution, it became the yard stick for all other VS fighters to follow, it was the fuel that fed the 16-bit console rivalry between Sega and Nintendo, it marked the beginning of the end for high score competitive gaming, and influenced some of the biggest names in popular culture.
An entire generation is unaware of the massive impact it had on gaming, unless you lived through it, unless you were part of these times, and unless you pumped literally thousands of credits into its arcade cabinets..... you may struggle to understand this impact.
So join me as I try and relive the good times, the good memories and all those perfect victories as I do a deep dive on Street Fighter II from its unlikely origins to the ghastly Hollywood movie and everything in between while I share some of the best memories from my misspent youth with you the you tube audience.
Join me for this very special retrospective look at Street Fighter II.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:08:14 Chapter One
00:25:04 Chapter Two
00:35:31 Chapter Three
00:51:58 Chapter Four
01:07:15 Chapter Five
01:19:23 Chapter Six
01:33:07 Chapter Seven
01:42:30 Chapter Eight
01:58:23 Chapter Nine
02:10:26 Chapter Ten
02:19:14 Chapter Eleven
02:32:39 Chapter Twelve
02:46:36 Chapter Thirteen
02:57:59 Chapter Fourteen
03:10:13 Chapter Fifteen
03:20:44 Chapter Sixteen
03:35:46 End Credits