Learn how to transform a simple greeting card envelope into a stunning extended flip pocket with this easy tutorial! In this demonstration, I’ll show you how to add an extra-wide paper strip to create a clever Z-folded flip-out with two functional pockets. Plus, we’ll add a separate tuck on the opposite side of the page for even more journaling potential. Perfect for junk journal makers who love creative ways to repurpose and recycle materials. Don’t miss out on this fun and practical idea!
Thanks so much to Kate at @PixieKDesigns for the inspiration! Here’s a link to her original video. Mine is different, haha, but the pattern is the same and you can use your imagination! I know you will love her style of journaling.
#junkjournalideas #junkjournaling #junkjournalpockets #junkjournalinspiration #mixedmediaart