In this video, we see how the Russian pianist, composer, and music theorist Sergei Taneev (1856-1915 [Taneyev; Taneiev]) managed to summarize all of the rules of strict counterpoint in only a single chapter of his book, "Movable Counterpoint in the Strict Style" (1909 [Подвижной контрапункт строгого письма]). Taneev bases his observations on the music of the most well-known composers of Renaissance vocal polyphony, including Josquin des Prez, Palestrina, and Lassus.
Bellermann's Rule 0:00
Perfect Consonances 4:09
Imperfect Consonances 12:34
Passing Tones 13:04
Neighboring Tones 15:59
Suspensions 16:36
Exceptions to Bellermann's Rule 25:18
Tonal Voice Leading Playlist:
#musictheory #counterpoint #composition