PCOD is a short film that explores the unspoken struggles faced by women with PCOD.The primary objective of this video is to educate and empower women and our society about the conditon's symptoms, treatment options and lifestyle modifciations.
By raising awareness, we aim to reduce stigma, promote early detection and improve quality of life for those affected.
PCOD Powered by IDHAYAM.
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Casting Call
A chance to showcase your talent and create a Positive Impact in the World.
To Apply : https://forms.gle/6qfpT8432ZgqUwh99
Sujith KJ
Akhil UG
Amal S S
Amal S S
Akhil UG
Assistant Director
Akhil UG
Gokul Sreekantan
Girl : Sreya Ramanath - https://instagram.com/showchiii/
Fiancé : Sreedersh - https://instagram.com/sreedersh/
Mother 1 : Sheela Balachandran
Moher 2 : Jayanthi Kolappan
Neighbour : Gayathri Devi - https://instagram.com/gayathridevi_ms/
Poster : Manikantan N
Narration : Sujith K J
Narration Camera : Manikantan N
#pcod #womenhealth #skjtalks
Location Courtesy : Ifruit Live Ice Cream, Thycaud, Trivandrum
Topics Covered:
* Polycystic Ovarian Disease
* Polycystic Ovary Disorder
* PCOD awareness
* Emotional struggles of women with PCOD
* PCOD caused by a combination of hormonal imbalance and genetic tendencies.
* Struggles Of Women With PCOD
* What is PCOD Problem in Women?
* Complications and challenges associated with PCOD
* The Experience of Women Affected by PCOD
* Struggles Of Girls With PCOD
* Women Health Issues
* Problems caused by Junk Food in women
* Healthy Life style
* Girls with PCOD
* Hormonal balance and wellness
* Mental and physical health Of Women With PCOD
* Complications of Women With PCOD
* Infertility Issues
* Body Image Issues
* Body positivity for women
* Myths and Truth about PCOD
We believe that as a community we can truly make a difference, change the world 🌍 and make it a better place. You can also follow us on :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/skjtalks/
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGLL4RjClG-fRmXlCBFO-XQ
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/skjtalks/