This is an improved version of the old "stylish tunic" I have shown on YouTube. Though we need less fabric, it has two pockets and easier to make. According to the pattern of fabric, we have two styles of pockets, one is invisible side-pocket and the other visible as a part of fabric pattern. Try and enjoy your own pocket-design depending on your choice of fabric.
内容 Contents
~00:30 紹介 introduction
~01:22 準備 preparation
~04:47 印つけ draw lines
~06:41 裁断 cutting
~11:15 衿の始末 neck
~13:57 袖の始末 sleeve
~17:17 脇の仕上げ side
~19:00 裾の始末 bottom
~19:23 脇ポケット付き completion of one with side pockets
~20:55 前ポケット付き completion of one with front pockets
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