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0:17 비추천 시술
2:15 나이대별 20-60대 시술추천
7:15 연예인들의 반짝시술
9:21 레이저가 피부를 얇아지게 만든다는 썰?
9:38 홈케어에서 가장 중요한 것
10:16 피부과의사의 추천 화장품
13:03 바디관리 방법&추천시술
15:22 홍조에 효과있는 시술?
15:57 피부는 타고나는거 아닌가요?
Skin treatments, procedure, and surgery 🔥 Tips, recommendations, and diet advice from a dermatologist in Gangnam❗️
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0:17 Unrecommended procedure
2:15 Recommended procedure by age group (20s-60s)
7:15 Celebrities' Procedure
9:21 Does laser treatment make the skin thin?
9:38 Most important aspect at home skin care
10:16 Dermatologist’s skincare products recommendations.
13:03 Body care methods & recommended procedures.
15:22 Treatments effective for redness
15:57 Isn’t skin something you're born with?