SUB) 과즙 가득 과일 찹쌀떡 & 꿀떡씨리얼 먹방 ASMR 달달한 꿀떡, 경단, 바람떡에 우유 부먹🥛 다양한 과일 찹쌀떡(딸기, 통귤, 무화과, 샤인머스캣, 두바이초콜릿 등)
Hello, I'm Minii!
Test takers, thank you for your hard work. 👍👍👍👍👍
I brought sweet honey rice cake with milk and fresh fruit sticky rice cake!
I feel very ecstatic when I eat sweet and savory honey rice cakes and juicy fruit sticky rice cakes 😊
The soft and chewy texture was very fun!!
I'll cheer for everything you do!!!
Fighting! 💪💪💪💪💪
Please enjoy it!
💟Instagram: mminii_i
🎵tiktok : minii_ii
(Subscription)(Thumbs up)(Comments)is love.🥰
Let's eat a lot of delicious food and be happy!