I'm sorry if the subtitles are kinda out of sync in some parts, the song's too fast.
FLP I've used for Tails's vocals is made by @metallicafansince88
Subterfuge with lyrics is made by @churgneygurgney9895
Subterfuge is made by @honkish
algorithm stuff (ignore plz)
"Friday Night Funkin'" is a popular indie rhythm-based music game created by Cameron Taylor, also known as "Ninjamuffin99." The game was initially released in November 2020 and has gained a substantial following due to its catchy music, retro-inspired graphics, and challenging gameplay.
In "Friday Night Funkin'," players take on the role of the protagonist, Boyfriend, who is trying to impress his girlfriend, Girlfriend, by participating in a series of rap battles against various opponents. The gameplay involves hitting arrow keys or other designated inputs in time with the music to perform rap battles. It's similar in style to other rhythm games like Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero, but with a unique hip-hop and retro aesthetic.
#fridaynightfunkin #sonicexe #sonicexefnf #sonic #fnf #lyrics