After a lot of work, IT'S FINALLY HERE! I hope you enjoy my greatest creation with a little help.
Remix by @thedisqualifior15(ft. @FLX_Tube, @sastydadudester, @pocketeryt)
Chart, code, and extra art by Gorro. (Thanks to @ItsZenko34 for giving me a hand with the chart).
Icons by @Yuri_Suzuki_1208(and special thanks for anímate Finn and Jake bars)
Finn and Jake Renders by @FLX_Tube
Stage taken from @AppleJuiceLolz
Decorative Jake arms by Alphazzzzzzzz.
Jake arms attacking by @Boyfriend_surviveq23
Thanks to @HI_BF_YT for having passed me the sprites of bf taking out the sword.
Characters Art by P:A Team.