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Sugar കുറയാനും Weight കുറയാനും മിക്സിയിൽ ഒറ്റ കറക്കൽ രാവിലെ ഇനി എന്തെളുപ്പം//Easy Healthy Breakfast

BeQuick Recipes 463,100 2 years ago
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Hi Friends Moringa leaves are high in anti oxidants including chlorogenic acid, which aids weight loss. It acts as a fat burner and helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Ragi contains an amino acid called Tryptophan that curbs one’s appetite resulting in eventual weight loss. Ragi is also a great source of fiber helping effective digestion in the body. Consuming higher amounts of dietary fiber helps stabilise blood sugar levels and might even help prevent diabetes. #ragirecipe #muringayilarecipe #weightlossrecipe #easybreakfast #breakfastrecipe #ragibreakfast #ragiflourrecipes #ragi #ragipowderrecipe #easyragirecipe #easy #tasty #tastyrecipes #tastyrecipe #healthy #healthybreakfast #healthybreakfastideas #healthybreakfastrecipe #quick #quickrecipe #quickbreakfast #quickbreakfastideas #quickragirecipe #mutharirecipe #tastyragi #bequickrecipes
