Sulammi Annual Performance Musical Face to face “Are ye able to be crucified with me?” - Theodora Wangerin (Korean name: Wang Daea) - Rufus Conrad Wangerin, Theodora’s husband (Korean name: Wang Ashi) - Mimi Scharffenberg, Theodora’s older sister (Korean name: Sa Eomtae) who paved the way for Sahmyook education - Hannah, a missionary whom Theodora met on the ship; an imaginary character - Voice of Joseon / Women of Joseon / Scholars of Joseon 0:00:00 Performance 1 A seed sown in Joseon 0:10:45 Performance 2 A letter from the mission field 0:15:50 Song 1 A Missionary‘s Song 0:20:46 Song 2 Look at me 1 0:29:07 Performance 3 Weaving with warp and weft threads 0:32:26 Song 3 Face to Face 0:40:36 Song 4 The mad man of Gerasene 0:49:10 Performance 4 The ritual of Jeung 0:57:35 Performance 5 The first funeral 1:10:42 Song 5 Are ye able to be crucified with me? 1:19:07 Performance 6 The joy of missionary work 1:24:30 Song 6 God will take care of you 1:29:32 Song 7 Face to Face 2 1:38:45 Song 8 Across the continent ―――――――――――――――――――― SULAMMI is an all-women musical company established in 1994. For all interests in using this program as a resource for sermons, evangelistic meetings, or workshops, please contact us @Sulammi on KakaoTalk All of Sulammi’s work is copyrighted and belongs to Sulammi. Please contact us @Sulammi on KakaoTalk for any inquiries concerning Sulammi’s scripts, soundtracks, or performances. If you are seeking spiritual counseling, encouragement, and/or prayers, please contact us @Sulammi on KakaoTalk ―――――――――――――――――――― Translation_ Ijin Im Development_ Sulammi Company Production_ Hope Channel Korea ―――――――――――――――――――― ▶ [Musical Worship Series1 Acts of the Apostles] ▶ [Musical Worship Series2 Consolation] ▶ [Musical Worship Series3 Jonathan] ▶[2022 Sulammi Musical WILDERNESS] ▶[2023 Sulammi Musical BABEL] ▶ 후원💝 : 우리은행 1005-001-788575(뮤지컬극단 술람미) #hopechannel #Sulammi #facetoface