Join me foraging mushrooms in July in the Pacific Northwest. In Washington State, we don't typically think of mushroom hunting for Chanterelles in the summer months, but this has been one of those years where we've gotten nice flushes of Pacific Golden Chanterelles (Cantharellus formosus) in June and July. Even though we're hitting a very dry patch of weather right now, there has been enough prior precipitation and humidity to get things fruiting. Will this summer mushroom season continue? Tough to be sure of that with so much sun and dry weather in the forecasts... but you never know.
Whether you're right here foraging wild mushrooms in WA State, or in neighboring regions of the PNW (like Oregon, Northern California, British Columbia, etc), or in distant land, I hope you find this video helpful - and I hope you're having good luck out in your local forests too!
Here's a little bit of what you can expect in this episode:
00:00 Intro
00:14 Pacific Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus)
07:09 Russulas and Pinesap
09:38 Gemmed Amanita ("Amanita gemmata" group)
11:23 Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus genus)
12:38 More Chanterelles
16:48 Shrimp Russula (Russula xerampelina)
20:03 Chanterelle pins waiting on some moisture
22:57 Pinesap (Monotropa hypopitys) and it's fungal host the Yellow Knight (Tricholoma equestre) aka "Man on Horseback"
***The first 20 minutes of this footage was shot July 7th and footage featuring updates on Chanterelle pins beginning 20:03 was shot on July 18th.
Thank you all for joining me out here on the Mushroom Trail - until next time... Happy Trails!