Kalie + Travis Wedding
The Duke Mansion | Charlotte, NC
A Film By Serrano Film Co.
Husband + Wife Wedding Videographers
NC, East Coast, Select Destinations
For investment, availability, info and reviews, please inquire at https://serranofilm.co/ or email us at [email protected].
Thank you to all the vendors who made this day possible!
Venue: @dukemansion
Planning/Design: @theannemarkey
Photography: @jimtricephoto
Cinematography: @serranofilmco [us!]
Florals: @newcreations
Hair: @hairbynataliya
Musicians: @carolina_royal_strings
Bridal Shoes: @loefflerrandall
Rentals: @partyreflections
Catering/Bar Service: @dukemansion
Bakery: @thewowfactorcakes
Invitation Stationary: @olivepaper
Other Stationary/Drawings: @rabbitrabbitdesignhouse
Dress: @annebarge
Tux: @theblacktux
Jewelry: @ballantynejewelers
Car: @royallimousine
DJ: @lucaslondon
+ I See You (Instrumental) | Secret Nation
+ Evermore feat. Jordan Critz | Roary
Licensed by Musicbed