# When the shopkeeper was asleep, the shopkeeper's daughter-in-law took his signature on the document he had written, and the shopkeeper's daughter-in-law took the document and went away, and now she complained and sent a police officer. #
# The shopkeeper's daughter-in-law complained with a paper she had previously signed from the shopkeeper, and the police sent for her to leave the house #
# The shopkeeper's daughter-in-law sent a police officer to the shopkeeper's house. The police came with a document that the shopkeeper's daughter-in-law had previously signed from the shopkeeper, and he took her signature while she was asleep. #
# The shopkeeper's anger at his daughter-in-law took her signature while she was asleep. #
# The shopkeeper's daughter-in-law complained, leave the house or you will go to jail. #
# The shopkeeper's daughter-in-law sent a police officer to the shopkeeper's house. The officer came with a document with the shopkeeper's signature. #
# When the shopkeeper was asleep, the shopkeeper's daughter-in-law took her signature and took the document with her#