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“The principal of meditation is to develop concentration and clarity for all the different aspects of the body, and what one does with the mind to support that.” Guo Gu
Guo Gu answers a series of questions around how to let the mind support the body and the body support the mind during meditation.
The Tallahassee Chan Center has started offering its Sunday Morning Service on Zoom, with a recording of the Question & Answer session led by Guo Gu following the meditation. Guo Gu often emphasizes that his teaching flourishes through the process of working with students and addressing their questions. It is evident why, as each response demonstrates the breadth and depth of his knowledge of, and approach to, the dharma.
More information can be found at:
Join the Tallahassee Chan Center online for live meditations and discussion Monday through Thursday, at 7:30 PM EST. Learn more at
For a 30-minute guided sitting meditation by Guo Gu, watch this video: Guided Sitting Meditation, Guo Gu
#Buddha #Buddhism #Chan #Zen #Meditation #GuoGu #DharmaTalk