A live service from Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Missoula, MT
Link to the service leaflet:
Participants in the service:
Presider, Preacher and Celebrant - The Rev. Gretchen Strohmaier
Deacon - The Ven. Dorcie Dvarishkis
Organist/Choir Director - Dr. Nancy Cooper
Crucifer/Acolyte - Caitlin Sherman
Lectors/Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Don Gisselbeck, Torian Donohoe
Intercessor - Lucy Deaton
Altar Guild - Alice Caplins, Tracey Gage
To support the work of Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, including this online worship service, please click here: http://holyspiritmissoula.org/give
"Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-735459. All rights reserved.”