এইটা খুন? নাকি নিছক কোইন্সিডেন্স?
Mirchi Bangla presents Jagadish Gupta's Haar on Sunday Suspense
Date of Broadcast - 9th October, 2020
Rakkha - Godhuli
Roshi - Rai
Mani - Ivana
Bhuban - Agni
Nistaran - Sabyasachi
Mathur - Atri
Doctor - Richard
Sanatan - Pushpal
Chatujye Moshai, Narrated and Directed by Deep
Recorded by Pushpal
Production & Sound Design - Soumo and Subho (Crostec)
Poster Design - Join the Dots
Executive Producer - Alto
Arpan Chatterjee
Saptanil Maji
Utsa Dey
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