Mirchi Bangla presents Narayan Gangopadhyay's Tenida in Jhau Bungalow-r Rahasya on Sunday Suspense
Date of Broadcast - 3rd September, 2023
Adapted by Godhuli
Introduction - Agni
Tenida - Kanchan Mullick
Narration and Pyala - Somak
Habul - Rwitobroto Mukhopadhyay
Kyabla, Driver - Agni
Satkari Santra - Mir
Kadamba Pakrashi, Jagabandhu - Deep
Mejda, Kancha - Richard
Original Music - Nabarun Bose
Percussion - Abhirup Das
Sound Recording - Richard, Robin and Agni
Production & Sound Design - Richard
Poster Design - Join the Dots
Direction - Agni
Mirchi Mojaru Lyrics and Tune - Somak
Composition, Arrangement, Mixing and Mastering - Sayak
Executive Producer- Alto
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