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SUNSHINE RESIDENCE | FARLIM AYER ITAM 最大商场就在家楼下 | 【房事知多少 #63 】

房事知多少 12,742 2 months ago
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FARLIM AYER ITAM是我从小长大的地段 , 而上当年的SUNSHINE称为SUIWAH也是我来到这世界就逛逛的MINI MARKET。 如今已经有了自己大型的SHOPPING CENTRE更是开建了自己的酒店,含有HELIPAD的办公大楼也少不了我们这一集参观的SERVICE APARTMENT “SUNSHINE RESIDENCE”。 SUNSHINE RESIDENCE 打着低密度,自住大户型以及方便为卖点。基本符合了这一带人口的需求,家里的长辈更是不需要开车就能到自己半辈子熟悉的SUNSHINE走走逛逛,在外打拼的孩子们也比较放心。 除了针对长辈的贴心设计, 这项目也没忘了年轻一代的无边际泳池,办公大楼的就业机会以及商场休闲全槟城最大屏幕的GSC电影院。 这些细节都为项目的衣食住行增加不少分数。 目前这项目还剩下一些单位,如果这地段也符合你的条件之一可以点击一下链接他们将有专人为你提供参观实际单位的服务 : ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ =============================================== Farlim Ayer Itam is where I grew up, and Sunshine, which used to be called SUIWAH, was the mini market I visited when I came to this world. Now it has its own large-scale shopping centre and has built its own hotel , an office building with helipad is also a building of service apartment "SUNSHINE RESIDENCE" that we visited in this episode. Sunshine RESIDENCE is characterized by low density, large self-occupied apartments and convenience. It basically meets the needs of the population in this area. The elders at home do not need to drive to the Sunshine that they have been familiar all time , and the children who work hard outside are more at ease. In addition to the thoughtful design for the elders, this project has not forgotten the infinity pool for the younger generation, the employment opportunities in the office building, and the GSC cinema with the largest screen in Penang for leisure in the shopping mall. These details add a lot of points to the project's food, clothing, housing and transportation. There are still some units left in this project. If this location meets one of your criteria, you can click on the link and they will have someone provide you with a tour of the actual unit: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ =============================================== Music from #InAudio: Infraction- Summer Soul inaudio Link : • Energetic Lo-Fi Hip-Hop by Infraction... MUSIC CREDIT TO: ♪ Biscuit (Prod. by Lukrembo) Link : • (no copyright music) lofi type beat “... 🔻 "Alex Productions - Lights" is under a Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license: / @alexproductionsnocopyright Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • 🥀 Emotional Background (Free Music) -... 🔺 ============================================================
