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【Sunway University CISA Club 2024统考加油影片】

Sunway University CISA Club 1,574 lượt xem 5 months ago
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统考在即,每一个你为之努力的日子,都在为梦想奠定基础。相信自己,你的汗水不会白费。每一次突破自我,都是通向胜利的桥梁。每一刻的拼搏,是为了不负青春、不负梦想 🤩


双威大学独中校友联谊会(Sunway University CISA Club)祝所有考生金榜题名,前程似锦 ✨💯

The UEC Exam is just around the corner, and every effort you work for it, you are paving the way for your dreams. Believe in yourself, your efforts will not be in vain. Every breakthrough is a bridge to victory. Every moment of hard work is to live up to your youth and dreams.

As long as you give your best, you will have no regrets. Your future is in your hands; your future is yours to create!

Sunway University Chinese Independent School Alumni (CISA) Club wishes all UEC candidates success in their exams and a bright future ahead ✨💯

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