In this video I will walk you through how you can implement magic link authentication in your #Supabase #FlutterFlow mobile application.
Once users have created their account in your app you can provide an alternative method of using purely their email address to gain authenticated access to your mobile app. We use a little #lowcode to help us along the way.
Make sure you grab the starter project to follow along. All you need is a Supabase project to get started. The steps covered in this video can easily be followed to add the same functionality to your own project.
Starter Project:
Final Project:
import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';
final supabase = SupaFlow.client;
Future signInWithMagicLink(String emailAddress) async {
await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp(
email: emailAddress,
shouldCreateUser: false,
emailRedirectTo: 'supabasemagiclink://');
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00:00 Introduction
00:24 Order of events
01:08 Start
01:53 Supabase config for FlutterFlow
02:39 Custom Action code setup
06:52 Custom Action configuration
08:13 Routing and Deeplinks
10:22 Supabase routing URL configuration
12:20 Finalise Custom Action code
13:34 Getting ready to test
14:00 Application Test on a real device
14:24 Summary and outro
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