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Super Circuit 2002: Koji Matsushita vs. Jorgen Persson

TT Charger 103,052 11 years ago
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Table tennis Chopper The single most distinctive style in table tennis is the attacking chopper. While other styles look to attack and gain initiative, the chopper gives up the initiative, uses the chop to return an attack with backspin, making it necessary for the opponent to start the attack all over again. The defensive chopper returns repeated attacks with slow, floating backspin chops executed as late as possible, taking as much time as necessary to tire out and frustrate the opponent. Chops can vary in the amount of backspin (from no spin to floating), sidespin (curving into the table or away from the opponent), or position, making it hard to continuously attack. If the opponent refuses to tire out or starts to play defensively, the attacking chopper can suddenly mix in a spin or smash attack, catching anyone who isn't fully alert and prepared. Reversed rubber is usually employed in the forehand, but the backhand is usually reserved for long or short pimples, which is much easier to control. Some players reverse their racket in order to use the pimpled rubber on the forehand, notable examples include Koji Matsushita, Svetlana Ganina, Irina Kotikhina and Viktoria Pavlovich, but some refuse to do that to keep their style simple, including Chen Weixing (Chen does use the inverted rubber on his backhand to attack, occasionally), Joo Se Hyuk, Ding Song, Kim Kyung Ah, Park Mi Young and Tan Paey Fern. Very few players choose to defend with reversed rubber on both sides, a notable example includes Wang Tingting. Points between a chopper and an attacker are usually the easiest for non-players to appreciate, because of the slowness of the ball and the spectacular chopping style. プロ卓球公式戦 スーパーサーキット 2002年1月24日 in 東京大会 松下浩二(日本)対ヨルゲン・パーソン(スウェーデン)
