瓜拉十八丁, 马来西亚,位于於霹靂州, 太平市西边临海地区. 一座又繁荣又美丽的渔村. 这里自然风光,旅游景点丰富多彩,主要有乘船游览红树林,独特的观赏和喂食老鹰, 晚上出游观赏萤火虫, 参观及体验传统的木炭制作过程.
十八丁拥有大量的新鲜海产, 是享用肥美海鲜的天堂, 以及很多很多美味的当地美食.
Kuala Sepeteng, Malaysia, located in Perak, in the coastal area, west of Taiping City. It is a prosperous and beautiful fishing village. It has natural scenery and rich tourist attractions, mainly including boat tours of mangroves, unique viewing and feeding of eagles , fireflies watching at night, visit and experience the traditional charcoal making process.
Kuala Sepeteng has a large amount of fresh seafood, and it is a paradise for enjoying plump fresh seafood, as well as many delicious local delicacies.
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The Tiger: Kept our merriment in "memories" forever.
Kuala Sepetang Port Weld ECO (Travel)
MY Charcoal Factory
KS Homestay
Mr. Wee TB