一年又容易來到情人節, #voguehongkong 為大家請來韓國美聲歌手,同時被稱為「人間CD機」 的圭賢 #kyuhyun #규현 來接受獨家問答挑戰!作為 @SUPERJUNIOR 核心成員,他與團隊在Kpop界奮鬥了19年,個人Solo生涯也踏入10周年,從當初的夢想青年,蛻變為如今音樂、綜藝均應付自如的全能藝人,也與粉絲一起走過無數高低起伏。在這次專訪中,圭賢分享了Super Junior 20周年特別計劃,並細膩回顧了與粉絲 #KYUpiter 的感人瞬間。作為美食愛好者,圭賢早前藉着來港舉辦個人演唱會,甚至準備了50家餐廳的清單,期間還透露了來港必試的兩道美味!大家想聽到圭賢用精準的廣東話說「情人節快樂!」嗎?想知道他向各位推薦了哪一首甜蜜的歌曲嗎?切勿錯過完整版專訪,深入了解圭賢的音樂旅程與生活點滴吧!
立即到 Vogue Hong Kong YouTube Channel 觀看完整內容!
Will you be KYUHYUN’s Valentine? On this romantic occasion, the Super Junior megastar sits down with Vogue Hong Kong for a Rapid Fire Q&A Challenge, sharing exciting plans for Super Junior’s 20th anniversary, heartfelt memories with fans (#KYUpiter), and his gratitude for their unwavering support. Back in Hong Kong for a personal concert, KYUHYUN reveals two must-try local dishes and even shares a list of 50 restaurants he’s eager to explore. Plus, he learned Cantonese just to say “Happy Valentine’s Day!” Curious about the sweet song he recommends for this special day? Watch the full interview now!
Check out the full video on Vogue Hong Kong YouTube Channel now!
Videographers: Matthew Ma, Mark Wong
Photographer: Harold Lau
Production Director: Second Li
Creative & Producer: Cyrick Leung
Video Editor: Harold Lau
On-site Coordination: Harrod To, Carman Lam, Kit Ng
Hair & Make-up Artist: Sooin Kim, Minsun Kim
Stylist: Chaewan Kim
Artist Management : Antenna
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong
Special Thanks: REG Entertainment