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志祺七七 X 圖文不符 282,037 lượt xem 6 months ago
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#Superdry #極度乾燥
00:00 開頭
01:16 【Odoo】廣告段落
01:56 Superdry哪來的?
03:06 Superdry掀起熱潮!
04:50 Superdry在台灣爆紅!
05:44 Superdry買氣不再?消費者抱怨連連?
06:58 Superdry品牌價值降低?
08:08 Superdry內部分歧不斷!
09:64 Superdry要破產了?
11:22 我們的觀點
12:25 提問
12:39 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ Julian Dunkerton: People just love the cut of his cloth:
→ How Superdry quietly took over the fashion world:
→ David Beckham jacket tussle ends with rap on the knuckles for Primark:
→ My £395m T-shirt: How founder of trendy label Superdry made his fortune with help from David Beckham and Kate Winslet:
→ From Noughties icon to uncool dad brand - where did it all go wrong for Superdry? How High Street giant which started life on a market stall, was worn by David Beckham and Idris Elba and had a £1.7bn turnover is now fighting to stay afloat:
→ How Superdry Got Its Name:
→ Superdry 極度乾燥品牌故事介紹:
→ Calling Julian Dunkerton At Superdry: You're No Longer In Fashion:
→ 消費者願意再埋單嗎?潮牌Superdry跟「折扣」的愛恨情仇:
→ SUPERDRY重返台灣 售價降4成 誠意滿滿:
→ Superdry退燒 股價剩不到3成救回公司要靠他:
→ 夏天太熱影響銷量 Superdry股價暴跌21%:
→ 「國民制服」Superdry年底撤出台灣 最後櫃位收攤時間出爐:
→ 曾人手一件!前國民潮牌Superdry股價崩逾9成 下市重整:
→ Superdry warns worse to come as profits plunge:
→ SUPERDRY Case Study: The Marketing Strategy Behind One of the Top UK Clothing Retailers:
→ 【廢中的新衣】一代潮牌沒落:Superdry全年只有5天沒打折?:
→ 英國潮牌股價摔七成再起!Superdry重返台灣,品牌最紅四個字為何被消失?:
→ 極度乾燥Superdry驚傳下市!台灣代理商急喊「不受影響」原因曝光:
→ Superdry: What’s gone wrong and how can it bounce back?:
→ Superdry restructures to cut rents as co-founder leads fundraising:
→ Marketing Strategies, Marketing Mix And STP Of Superdry:
→ Brief History of Fast Fashion (& Changing Its Future Course):
→ Superdry极度干燥发布年内第三个盈警:
→ Superdry sales slump: is the Y2K fashion brand so last year?:
→ Superdry reports steep sales drop after founder retakes helm:
→ Number of Superdry owned retail stores worldwide from 2009 to 2023:
→ 拋棄「極度乾燥」四字!Superdry 重返台灣市場,為何決心不做潮牌?:
→ Superdry 重返台灣,品牌最紅四個字為何被消失?:
→ SUPERDRY新視覺全球已經調整為SUPERDRY®冒險魂:
→ 英國街頭潮牌Superdry亞洲旗艦店座落ATT 4 FUN百貨:
→ 狂!比「極度乾燥」還厲害 網友跪求開團:超需要XD:
→ 你還穿Superdry嗎?曾經的潮牌外套「極度乾燥」 為何跌落神壇不再受青睞:
→ Superdry退出中國深度分析:
→ Superdry and the Niche That Grew:
→ 為何台灣人那麼瘋Superdry?男子衝合歡山淋濕險凍死,成衣業者揭開「機能服」真相:
→ Superdry profits plummet to £85.4m loss:

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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